Scottish Vows

A poem for Burns’ Night – to be performed in a wavering English/Scottish accent.


An English friend of mine has recently applied for honorary Scottish citizenship. He’s spent the past few weeks travelling a thousand miles around Scotland on foot, and tonight (if all’s gone to plan), he’ll be arriving at Edinburgh Castle for a special Burns Night citizenship ceremony in front of the Scottish Parliament and assorted Scottish dignitaries.
He’s sent me a copy of the speech he’s going to give, and I’m going to share it with you now. Continue reading “Scottish Vows”

Review of BE, Coventry Cathedral, 2017

There is something very calming about spending time with honeybees. Their world moves at a slower speed – it’s as complex, dangerous and brutal as our own, but their lives are simpler and more measured in their pace. To sit by the hive-entrance is to catch a glimpse of their experience – sharing a physical space with the super-organism of the colony. And however overwhelming the human world may feel, a return to my garden-hive offers a constant source of peace and calmness, meditation and solace.
Continue reading “Review of BE, Coventry Cathedral, 2017”